our vision

vision at Ppc

PPC is a generous, inclusive church, rooted and growing in the way of Jesus, loving one another and serving our communities.

  • Our Mission is to engage all ages to joyfully follow Jesus together. 

  • PPC values meditating on the wisdom of God revealed in Jesus Christ as we serve our community. We are not a left or right church. We are a “diagonal” church that allows for honest critique of our age and compelling, Biblically-based instruction for how to engage it. We welcome anyone to join us in worship, to explore faith in our groups, and to serve with us in the community.

  • If you want to know what we value, read the vows that new members take:

    1. Do you believe in Jesus Christ and trust in Him alone for salvation?

    2. Will you commit to being a disciple of Jesus, learning and growing in faith and understanding?

    3. Will you share in the good news of God’s Kingdom as you embody the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ for every person you meet both in and outside of this church?

    4. With God’s grace, will you participate actively and responsibly in the life of the church, joining in worship and mission as you also share in the joys and sorrows of your siblings in Christ?