Welcome to PPC
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Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday is the day we remember the Last Supper and Jesus new command to "Love One Another". This all took place at a traditional Jewish Seder meal remembering Passover. Step into the story with us as we follow the steps of Jesus to the cross. REGISTRATION REQUIRED (see below) All ages welcome!
Good Friday
Good Friday is the day we remember the death of Jesus on the cross. This is a Tenebrae Service in which the light in the room is slowly extinguished as the story of Jesus death is told. All ages are welcome and nursery through 5th grade programs are available.
Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We invite you to join our celebration. Come and remember the day when everything changed forever.
Who We Are
PPC is a church within the Presbyterian Church (USA). PC(USA) churches value health and wisdom in leadership and order in our worship.
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discipleship pathways
One of the cornerstones of Discipleship at PPC are our 101, 201, and 301 Discipleship Pathways.

our vision
We are rooted in our community.
For over a century Placentia Presbyterian Church has existed to worship God and serve others.
PPC is a generous, inclusive church, rooted and growing in the way of Jesus, loving one another and serving our communities.
We’d love for you to join us as we engage all ages to joyfully follow Jesus together.
latest at PPC
Explore the latest sermon livestream or upcoming events at Placentia Presbyterian Church